Tuesday, 29 May 2007

May Round Up

Ah finally Mum got around to uploading my photos! They stick that camera in my face often enough, the least they could do is circulate my portfolio.

Well May has been eventful, I'm 4 and a half months old now and I've started quite a few new things...
looking around on my tummy, rolling over occasionally, dancing a jig whenever I can get some one to hold me on my feet...and last but not least eating some of this slop they call food.

Actually I quite like it, though what is with that broccoli stuff, they can't be serious, I might be a growing boy but could anyone be that hungry I ask you?

After a month of sleeping through the night I decided that there must be something I was missing out on at 4am, so why not wake up for a late night snack? Anyway apparently that idea isn't going down so well with the management, oh well maybe I'll just chat to myself for half an hour in case they change their mind...eventually I don't think I will be bothered waking up, seems that nothing really happens around here until 6.30am anyway.

Must be off... you know another day, another long list of things to slobber on...hmm Dad's tie looks quite nice...though missing that something special...maybe a streak of orange?

Using The Force

Look into my eyes....you are under my complete control...now shake I say... or else I will unleash the claw of incredible power!!!

Fashion Parade

Well all that eating must have paid off, I am finally able to get into some of the clothes you have all sent me... Unreal!

I've already had plenty of compliments on my new hoodie.

If you're an Aussie boy you've got to eat your Vegemite and you've got to wear your Bonds..

Roll on summer I can't wait to get into my board shorts.

Trying On My Hair

Thought I'd get an idea of what I would look like when my hair finally grows a bit. Eeeekk... a bit too BoBo the Clown for my liking!!

Getting a Taste For Food

Oh please... there has got to be something better than this!!

Give me a bit of tasty doggy neck to chew on any day.

Loving Bath Time

A bit of splashing freely in the tub is a sure fire way of lifting my spirits on a grumpy day - especially if I can manage to give Dad a good soaking in the process. But don't you dare take me out!!

A Bit of Nappy Free Time

I was going for the look of a skillful archer in this shot.

I'm getting quite good at lying on my side and occasionally I spontaniously roll over, which doesn't surprise anyone half as much as it surprises me!

Woo Hoo! They tell me if I keep this up I may eventually be able to get somewhere.

Mothers Day Flowers

Grandma saved my bacon by thoughtfully sending some flowers to Mum - pheww!
Well what's a boy to do, they won't let me at the credit cards yet!!

Monday, 28 May 2007

The Cussions From which I Rule My Empire

I have my morning audience from the purple throne.

In the afternoons I prefer to deliver my edicts from the couch

If I'm quiet I can usually slip away before any of the hard work starts and leave my minions to clean up the mess.

Lunching by the Thames

Hmm...thinking of trying something more exotic than milk today.

Sunny Afternoons

Having a great time socialising in the afternoons with Mum.

Early Summer BBQ's

Having a lovely time getting out in the May sunshine in my Great White Hunter outfit.
That was before the winter came back to bite us, 9 degrees yesterday!!!

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

One boy's bouncy seat is another boy's swing

OK so the bouncy seat arrived but I think little Ethan will need to grow some longer legs before he gets to jump up and down. It's either that or put on a few pounds to weigh the spring down a bit...

With a little help from a pillow he was jumping like a professional.

Though perhaps one with a limited sense of balance...